Premda sam prvi put u zivotu uopce imala umjetne trepavice u rukama a i na ocima (ne brojimo onih par puta kad sam uspjela zeznuti trepavice s ljepilom bez da sam ih krenula stavljati uopce), mislim da je proslo odlicno. Jos par puta nakon toga sam stavljala i izgleda da sam pohvatala, partii! Slike mozete vidjeti u prijasnjem postu.
Kao i uvijek, prije nego zavrsim s temom Illamasquine skole, par rijeci mudrosti.
Prije nanosenja tusa uvijek, ali uvijek (i to tvrdim i za sve ostalo) procijenite dobro oblik oka i sto tocno treba napraviti da bi se postigao zeljeni efekt. Isto tako i kod trepavica, duzina kraljeznice, debljina, mjesto na kapku na koje cete ih instalirati. Znam da zvuci mutavo, ali iznenadili biste se..
This week on Illamasqua class we got to the eyeliner and false lashes topic. The important part was understanding all the shapes and sizes of the eye and a way to make them perfect. My focus was applying the eyeliner on hooded eyes. Practice makes perfect!
Although it was my first time using lashes and applying them to someone else (not counting a few times I screwed up the lashes without even starting to apply them), I think it went great. I practiced a few times after the class and it looks like I can handle it quite well, woo! Some of the pictures are in the post below.
As always, I am finishing the Illamasqua class topic with a few words of wisdom.
Before applying the eyeliner, always, and I do mean always (as for everything else), look at the eye, examine it and understand what do you need to do to get that wanted look. Same thing with the lashes, the size and lenght, thickness, where excatly will you place it on the lid. I know it sounds silly, but I've seen things..
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Part of Illamasqua crew with Marijana Gluić |
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Awesome sunset eye |
Stigao mi je prije par dana i set trepavica s Ebaya za koje sam se zacudila koliko su zapravo nelose. Za usporedbu imam i dva para Illamasquinih trepavica.
A few days I go I got a set of lashes from Ebay which suprised me how not bad they are. For comparison I also have two Illamasqua sets.
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Ebay |
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Ebay |
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Illamasqua |
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Illamasqua |
Ako vas zanimaju ove trepavice s Ebaya, evo linka. Pretpostavljala sam da ce biti papiraste i nikakve, ali su cak dovoljno u redu da ih mozete staviti par puta. Pripazite jedino kada cete ih prvi puta skidati s ambalaze, jer su ih malo previse zalijepili.
Ofcourse, the difference is huge. Illamasqua lashes have a rubber spine, they are light and soft, easy to apply and look fantastic. Considering the fact of the rubber spine, you will have no problem re-using them. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly the prices, so check them out on Illamasqua website.
Link for the Ebay lashes is here. Although I thought they will be paper like and easy to break, they are good enough to use a couple of times. But watch out when removing them from the box, they are glued quite firmly.
Ovako izgleda Illamasqua ljepilo koje se dobije zajedno sa trepavicama. Kolicina proizvoda je 1ml. To je ljepilo koje se vise nego isplati imati u svojem kovcegu, jer je jedno od najjacih i najboljih. Ima fluorescentno zelenkasti odsjaj, i lagano se pretvara u prozirno na trepavicama, po cemu znate tocno kad je ljepilo dovoljno ljepljivo da mozete stavljati trepavicu na kapak.
This is how Illamasqua glue that comes in a box with the lashes looks like. There is 1ml of product in there. It's one of the best glues on the market and a must have in your make up case. It has a fluorescentish green glow and with time turns transparent, and that's how you know it's time to apply the lash.
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