I got a fabolous request for this "burned" tutorial. So here it is. For this you will need 15 minutes of your precious time, old medium sized brush, warm coloured palette (brown, dark red, +black and grey), densely red lipgloss, few paper tissues and a glue that you will test before applying to a large area of your skin, better safe then sorry.
Ovo je ljepilo koje sam ja koristila vise puta, i nije bilo pogubnih posljedica. Ima i odlican aplikator.
This is the glue I used many times, and didn't die. Has a great applicator too.
Nanesite ljepilo na zeljeno podrucje. Ako planirate stavljati na lice, ako bas morate, koristite jestiva ljepila za djecu i slicno. Da, to postoji.
Apply the glue on the area you planned. If it's on the face, use safe children glue or something like that.
Maramicu zguzvajte i priljepite cijelu na ljepilo.
Wrinkle the tissue and place it on the glue.
Opet nanesite ljepilo na tu maramicu.
Apply the glue on that tissue.
Stavite novu zguzvanu maramicu na ljepilo.
Another tissue on top of the glue.
Cupkajte (ne rezati) lagano visak maramice da ostane oblik koji ste htjeli (i po kojem ste prvobitno nanijeli ljepilo) te opet nanesite ljepilo, da povrsina ostane ljepljiva.
Remove ends of the tissue to get the wanted shape (also the shape of the first glue coat) with your fingers, to get that "natural" look of the ends. Apply another coat of glue.
Ljepilom ucvrstite krajeve maramica, da izgledaju dobro "zblendani".
Blend the ends of the tissue with more glue.
![]() |
First row, left to right:1,2,3 Second row, left to right: 4,5,6 |
Ovo su boje iz palete koje cu koristiti.
This are the colours we need for our look.
...i dobar stari kist.
...and the brush, old friend of mine.
Tapkajuci vatom maknite visak ljepila i pustite ostatke vate da ostanu na ruci, radi realnijeg efekta. Crvenkasto smedom bojom (6) obrubite krajeve. Tapkati, ne utrljavati ili blendati.
Tap on it wth some cotton wool to remove the excess of the glue and to get that "real" texture. Apply the redish brown colour (6) on our edges. Tap it, don't blend.
S bojom br. 5, tapkajuci ispunite sredinu. Ne mora biti savrseno niti potpuno prekriveno bojom.
With the colour n.5 from the palette, fill the middle section with tapping. It doesn't have to be perfect or fully covered with colour.
Sa crnim sjenilom napravite par neurednih tocaka.
Use tthe black eyeshadow to create few messy spots.
Sjajilo sa slike (ili bilokoje drugo, ali ovo preporucujem za ovakve stvari, a i jeftino je) nanesite neravnomjerno po ruci, pritom blendajuci i krajeve.
Apply the lipgloss from the picture (or any other, but I recommend this one, and it's cheap) unevenly onto the hand, slowly blending the edges.
Dodajte jos par crnih mrlja, zblendajte malo crne na krajeve i oko krajeva, malo sive, crvene, po zelji i potrebi.
Add a few more black spots, blend some black on the edges and around it, little bit of grey, red, whatever you think you need to add.
I to je to! Ako ste isprobali tutorijal, zelim vidjeti slike.
And that's it. Show me the pictures after you try the tutoral.
Predivno *.*
OdgovoriIzbrišiNiki (http://niki-veki.blogspot.com)
odvratno hehehe ali zakon!!!posao odlično obavljen ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiFala :]
OdgovoriIzbrišiPreprepredobro! Odlično!! hvalaaaaaa :)
OdgovoriIzbrišip.s. tek sam sada vidjela kad sam otišla na tvoj profil, ne znam zašto me fejs ne obavijesti kada me netko tag-a ili spomene.. hm hm